Every night and every day
Every night and every day
Never forget to say
La ilaha illa Allah
(Nothing worthy of worship except Allah)
When youre walking down the street
And you see the clouds in the sky
Praise Him and always repeat
The name of The Most High
And say with every heartbeat
La ilaha illa Allah
No matter where you are or what you do
Remember Allah is watching over you
He’s the Light of Heavens and Earth
He’s the first, and He is the last
Obey Him and always say
La ilaha illa Allah
La ilaha illa Allah
La ilaha illa Allah
La ilaha illa Allah
Never forget to say
La ilaha illa Allah
La ilaha illa Allah
La ilaha illa Allah
La ilaha illa Allah
Nyanyian-Maher Zain
Best sgt lagu ni... Rentak yg santai... Buatkan mudah nak hafaz korusnya... Bila selalu nyanyi tang korus, secara tak langsung sebut la ucapan
لااله الا الله....
Jom nyanyi jom...sambil berzikir...
it's true never forget to say... thanks maria for sharing and reminding...
BalasPadamLailahailla Allah
BalasPadamIn shaa Allah... will never forget.. :)
BalasPadambest lagu ini.. anak saudara aiza yang masih kecil pun terikut-ikut dengan lagu ini.. :D